Finding prospects, or prospecting is a key sales activity to grow the top line of almost any business. However, in a variety of industries, statistics show that 78% of new and potential prospects are “lost” in the first few engagements. The ability to effectively prospect and leveraging the power of referrals from existing clients are essential capabilities.
Improving these capabilities by increasing the confidence in approaching prospects, greatly improves the conversion rates. This results in more effectively “filling the funnel”, drastically increasing the opportunity to grow the top line.
This workshop is designed to create an understanding of how many prospects are needed and how to increase the “permission to proceed” from the first few seconds of engagement and increase the confidence in approaching prospects.
Learning Objective
- Increase business results/revenue with a strategic focus on growing client base and widening prospect pipeline
- Participants with refined prospecting skills and more confidence to prospect
- Prospecting culture and habits within the teams
Training Outline
- Prospecting Business Plan
- Pipeline Management
- Relate & Positioning
- Positioning & Explore
- Securing Client’s Commitment