Momenta Indonesia

Authentic Strengths Advantage

Maximize Happiness and Contribution at Work. Delivers transformational, evidence-based coaching, training and tools that leverage people’s character strengths in order to maximize their happiness and contributions- at work and in life.

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It's easy to work with us

Revive Resilience

Invest in the resilience and wellbeing of your people by leveraging their strengths. Research shows that a strengths focus paves the way to life satisfaction, wellbeing, success and sustainable high performance. People who feel their strengths are well utilized are significantly more adaptable, productive, less stressed, make fewer mistakes, report more positive emotional states and create higher quality work.

Participants Will Learn To

  • Explore, empower and engage their unique strengths
  • Use the STRONG Thoughts Tool© to replace negative thinking patterns with productive, resilient thoughts
  • Use the Connect-Care-Create Tool© to process negative emotions, practice self-compassion and self-care, create a more resilient future
  • Leverage powerful principles to become their best self!

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